Thursday, April 24, 2008

break from form, chair out the window

April 23 am

All July I baked
perfect loaves, bold gifts stood in
when I could not eat.
-for MH

April 23 pm

On the way home, I was thinking of this lovely moment that I was trying to syllabize into a haiku for my entire drive, and I just couldn't make it work. It was perfect exactly as it was:

The night T and I met, we were in his apartment above Bush Street, it was very late, I guess we were looking at one of his chairs. "I hate that chair," he said.

"Let's get rid of it," I said. "I'm going to throw it out the window right now."

His face lit up like a beautiful child: "Do it!," he said. "so I can always remember you as the girl who threw my chair out the window."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 21 am

Evening sidewalk cracks.
Soft-eyed, you told me you dreamed
I'd turned into rice.
-for JC

April 21 pm

Tiger, that silk purr
betrayed you. Untie your howl,
free your roar in fire.

Friday, April 18, 2008

haiku ennui

leads to haiku hiatus.

April 14 am

Juniper campground
winged Corvettes peacock eastward,
vultures drift in wait.

April 14 pm

Either it's the wind,
or my car is about to
fucking explode. Fuck.

Friday, April 11, 2008

summer in SF and in Providence

April 10 am

Sangria sundown--
next day we'd lost your truck, roamed
Mission streets, howling.
-for LP

April 10 pm

Thin as June crickets,
Jack and me, asleep out back
with the bicycles.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 9 am

Minor trail burrowed,
ghosts unleash to the backseat,
slimmest sadhana.

April 9 pm

Norse runes ring my mom's
gift--"to ward off evil." Not
all years are good ones.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

further archive recovery!

June 12, 2006 am

An egg from your mouth.
Swallow wings trilled in my chest
and a snake crawled out.
-for TI

June 12, 2006 pm

Wait in the closet.
Reread your maps. Trace hard lines
on sheet twisted legs.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 7 am

Four car pile-up. Seals
sleep below, not sirens, not
at all. Stop. Go. Stop.

April 7 pm

Guts sea-bottom sunk.
Eyes full of rogue waves. Lightless,
viewless chrysalis.

Friday, April 4, 2008

enough already

April 3 am

Car still creaks, dishes
stayed dirty.Once plucked my harp
dealt lonely echoes.

April 3 pm

Guts to the sun, field
mouse raced to fate's ditch. A small
life at last unnamed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2 am

Soft octopus arm
threads the steel sea, my red raft
seldom unraveled.

April 2 pm

Buttons eye the moon.
My shirts window-spy you, their
chest a flayed suitcase.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

special goal for the week edition

Goal: No tow trucks.

March 27 am

Bloom's words of wisdom:
"Headaches are temporary,
hair is forever."
-for RB

March 27 pm

The governor's house
thicketed in mist, our quilt
knots with wet June fawns.
-for JK