Wednesday, May 28, 2008

happy birthday

I'm a dilettante. I start things and don't finish them. The only thing I have a consistent, high-level of interest in is my cats.

Easily enough put off course that the fact of running out of paper in my Festiva notepad left us haiku-less for a month. I also returned from the Grand Canyon with a blissful, relative quiet in my mind where all those syllables had been lurking. That's pretty much gone now.

May 28 am

Rattlesnaked dizzy,
forehead to the cool floor, wound
held below the heart.

May 28 pm

A melt of vodka
tears, I'm wrung out on your old
cure: a cool Thai heart.

-for KF

Kiki, happy early birthday.
You always took care of me.
I love you.

1 comment:

lil miss dubin said...

welcome back, lisa
to your fun haiku project
i like reading it